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April 6, 2023

The My Deeds tab is now sorted by the most recent end date in top.

December 17, 2019

The GameRankings site is no more and thus it no longer appears in tabs when researching a new game.

November 26, 2019

Fixed a bug that prevented Steam Sync from processing very big lists of games.

July 11, 2019

Fixed a bug that prevented Steam Sync from completing properly.

June 4, 2019

Fixed a bug that prevented new users from being created in the database.

May 20, 2019

Fixed another bug that prevented users from adding new games.

May 14, 2019

Fixed a bug that prevented users from adding new games.

My web hotel has updated the database and it has more strict type control. Please let me know if anything else acts up.

September 20, 2018

One of my administrator view modes has now been opened up for the public. It's available as "Refresh" and makes it possible to update or add various information to a game without opening a lightbox.

Most of the buttons update the text to green if there were no change (same status) while yellow updates. Some red error messages can be shown too, like "(N/D)" for page not detected. Most error abbreviations should be fairly logical.

Because of accessing another web site, it often takes a few seconds before the button changes the text below it. It's probably best to wait for a text response below a button before proceeding to the next one or you may experience weird bugs. Patience, padawan.

The buttons for Giant Bomb and Wikipedia tests that the link exists. If it doesn't, it is automatically removed from the game entry. (By the way, I think the button for Giant Bomb currently doesn't work. Just skip that one for now.)

HLTB is for the How Long To Beat web site. Typing an ID number in the edit box links the game to the game on that site. Clicking "Find ID" often (but not always) manages to figure this out automatically, after which repeated clicks updates the length. Usually the correct length used to be set while the ID was found, but I think the site author changed something and now you have to click a second time to make sure the length is set correctly.

Apart from response message for HLTB being the usual red error text, there is also "VOID" which means that the game was there but the useful length was not, while "PART" means that there are multiple games that might be relevant (that's where you may want to search HLTB itself to pinpoint the right one).

You can always click the text below a button to open the site page in a new web browser tab to check it out or search.

September 19, 2018

Adding Metacritic links for new games now works again; you can freely choose between HTTP and HTTPS.

May 4, 2018

Valve recently tightened the privacy settings for Steam users.

If Steam Sync doesn't seem to work for you, edit your profile in the Steam client and check your privacy settings there. Make sure Game Details has been set to Public. Now Steam Sync should be working again.

April 20, 2018

Steam login works again after they changed to HTTPS. I'm sorry it was broken for a while.

October 4, 2017

You can now also sync with Xbox Live in addition to Steam. The Steam Sync button has been renamed to Import instead and you will have to choose between these two external sources first. Steam Sync works pretty much as usual. For Xbox Live Sync, you have to specify your gamertag.

To make this work, I had to overhaul almost the entire Steam Sync implementation as I originally didn't intend it to work with multiple external sources. Now that this has been opened up, adding additional sources should be easier to do in the future.

September 16, 2017

The docs have been removed. Some of the best bits have been moved to Questions instead, but the site will generally rely on the "?" help icons instead.

September 10, 2017

You can now specify a porting developer in the New Game lightbox.

This feature has actually been used in the game table for a while now, but is now also available for editing. When adding a new game, MobyGames is usually the best place to get this information (search the game and click the "Releases" tab) - or sometimes from the "Developer(s)" field in a Wikipedia page.

Also improved performance in Google Chrome when opening the lightbox for editing or copying a game.

Fixed a bug where unticking or clearing bulk selected deed rows didn't clean everything up.

Added a small "?" help icon in the table header for aggregator ratings.

September 9, 2017

An easier way of copying games to another format has been added.

Instead of using the copy controls in the top of the lightbox, just open a game row with the big ExpandSpace button and then click Copy Game. You then see a lightbox with all the game data copied, ready to select another format.

Thanks to zer0ed for this idea.

September 2, 2017

Added a "Subscription" option to property/source, for use with e.g. MMORPG.

August 29, 2017

Social network icons and links have been tidied up and moved to the footer.

The Discord channel and the subreddit on Reddit are no longer available, and the Facebook page has been revived instead of the Facebook group which was deleted. Currently, the options are now Twitter, the Facebook page and the Steam group.

August 27, 2017

A new deed view mode has been added to see how many user deeds each game has.

In the table header, right next to the Status label, a new drop-down box now exists. This can be switched between "Deeds" and "Total" and is remembered by your browser. The "Deeds" mode is the usual one where you can edit your personal deeds. Select "Total" to see the new statistics mode.

In this new mode, each game can show bars and numbers in the deed area for the total number of BACKLOG, PLAYING, COMPLETED and ABANDONED deeds, as well as the TOTAL count. This is actually quite interesting as it gives an idea of what games are most popular among users. Click the Deeds table header in this mode to sort, showing the games with most users deeds in top.

The new deed view drop-down box is also available when not logged in.

August 23, 2017

Added a small "?" help icon in the Genre table header to make it possible to look up the obscure ones. Unfortunately, I could only find room for the icon in widescreen mode. So if you want to check it out, you're going to have to maximize that desktop browser window.

August 22, 2017

You can now search your deed comments. An option for this has been added to the bottom of the top bar search type drop-down box.

August 20, 2017

In the My Backlog tab, clusters of equal priority are now divided by a brighter blue table line.

August 19, 2017

A major update has arrived today - DEED COMMENTS - notes for your deeds.

You can now edit your own notes for your deeds. Just double-click the line below the status label to start writing. You can do the same thing in the lightbox too. Remember to hit ENTER to add a note - clicking outside or hitting ESCAPE cancels the editing. Notes can be quite long (maximum 256 characters) and will be cut with "..." in the end if there's no room for all of it. However, you can always hover on it to see the entire note in a tooltip.

The old icon-and-text strings are preserved in your deeds, but you are now free to expand upon them if you want to.

Some BBCode is available when writing a note:

  • [b]bold[/b]
  • [i]italic[/i]
  • [u]underline[/u]
  • [small]small[/small]
  • [color=#aaff66]color[/color]
  • [color=cyan]color[/color]
  • [url=]link[/url]

You can also use [center] and [right] to adjust the text in the line.

To make room for the new deed comment all the other information had to be pushed upwards and in most cases made smaller. This had the advantage that start and end dates are now fully visible and have their own separate columns. You can also sort them individually now.

The new deed comments are of course included whenever you export to a CSV file, and they will show the original BBCode.

August 9, 2017

There's now a small "?" help icon in the Modes table header, in case you need to brush up on what the icon colors mean.

August 6, 2017

As a shortcut, clicking the big ExpandSpace button for a game with the middle mouse button now always show the gallery first, regardless of whether there's a Wikipedia article or not.

August 5, 2017

Games belonging to a series now have colored lines in the left side of the table. The colors change down a page for different series except that games belonging to the same series will always have the same color - even if the members are scattered across the page. This should make it easier to see when a game is indeed part of a series and whether its neighbours are in it too.

Note that for now, there are only seven cycled color schemes. If there are more series on one page than that, then the colors will just wrap.

July 26, 2017

GameDeed now has support for multiple titles depending on the country. Whenever you see a title with a small flag in front of it, try clicking it. This will toggle the title to show what it's called in other countries. The choice of flag is sticky as long as you're using the same browser.

I've started converting some of the titles with extra titles in parenthesis into this system instead, but it will take some time to cover them all. Also, adding multiple titles is not available in the New Game lightbox (at least not yet) - it's something I add while acknowledging a new game, if needed.

All alternate titles are taken into account when searching for a game title in the top bar. For example, searching for "1404" or "discovery" should both show the same game - Dawn of Discovery (US) or Anno 1404 (EU) - regardless of what flag is sticky on it.

July 17, 2017

A new length label for very short games (less than one hour) has been introduced. A radio button for it has also been added in the New Game lightbox.

July 15, 2017

Attention, Firefox users.

Not long ago, Mozilla released version 54 of Firefox. While it introduced multi-process tabs much like Google Chrome, it also slowed down their Javascript engine considerably. It's actually not my doing! However, this claims that optimizations are coming for version 55 - so hang in there.

July 9, 2017

You can now also bulk delete deeds. A new button for this appears in the bottom panel when you start marking for bulk.

June 22, 2017

Added a yellow "VR" filter icon just below the user box. Click it to see a list of all the games designed for virtual reality goggles.

May 27, 2017

Another bug fixed - clicking a developer name, whether it being a porting developer or the original, now correctly lists everything this developer have done, no matter if they have ported or created original software.

May 26, 2017

Bug fixed - you can now use Space when type-searching in the filter drop-down boxes without scrolling down the web page. This is particularly useful when looking up a specific game series.

April 23, 2017

You can now bulk edit deeds. The hovering icons in the right side of the table now also show a checkbox. Clicking one slides up a trench bar with the current count and controls for clearing, listing and submitting the bulk.

Second update today; you can now also hold down the Shift key while ticking bulk checkboxes, thereby ticking a whole cluster in one go. If you enter a table page with no rows marked for bulk and then tick the bottom one while holding down Shift, the entire page of rows will be marked for bulk edit.


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